Funded by the Cowles Foundation from 1996-2000, the Amherst Health and Activity Study (AHA) assessed physical activity and health habits of children and teenagers and family and friend support for these habits. Adults and children were surveyed regarding physical activity type and frequency, environmental factors, household influences, physical activity of adults in the household, the household demographics, the child’s friends, the social support and exercise, and social support and exercise. This was one of the first studies to use accelerometers in a large study.
Main Citation:
Sallis, J.F., Taylor, W.C., Dowda, M., Freedson, P.S., and Pate, R.R. (2002). Correlates of vigorous physical activity for children in grades 1 through 12: Comparing parent-reported and objectively measured physical activity. Pediatric Exercise Science, 14, 30-44.
Dowda, M., Pate, R.R., Sallis, J.F., Freedson, P.S., Taylor, W.C., Sirard, J.R., and Trost, S.G. (2007). Agreement between student-reported and proxy-reported physical activity questionnaires.Pediatric Exercise Science, 19, 310-318.
50 question survey completed by the adult in the house who is most familiar with the child's daily activities.
Student-completed survey of their physical activity over the past week, including activities done at school, after school, at home, and on the weekend.