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Adolescents have lower levels of physical activity (PA) and more rapid weight gain during summertime when they are not attending school, and there is evidence of widening race/ethinc disparities during the summer. To better understand how to counter these trends, this study aimed to learn more about ethnic/racial differences in summertime PA and related barriers to inform possible solutions tailored to subgroups. The primary aim of this study is to compare PA patterns (timing, intensities, and amounts) and the places where PA occurs among middle school adolecsents. Barriers, opportunities, and prefrences also were compared. Comparisons were made across three dimensions: summertime versus school year, race/ethnicity subgroups, and boys versus girls. This study was UCSD's contribution to the Physical Activity Research Center, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Main Citations:

Sallis, J.F., Conway, T.L., Cain, K.L., Geremia, C., Bonilla, E., and Spoon, C. (2019). Racial/ethnic variations in school-year versus summer differences in adolescent physical activity. Preventive Medicine, 129(12), 105795. Open accessDOIInfographic and animated infographic


Sallis, J.F., Conway, T.L., Cain, K.L., Geremia, C., Bonilla, E., and Spoon, C. (2020). Electronic devices as correlates of sedentary behavior and screen time among diverse low-income adolescents during the school year and summer time. Journal of Healthy Eating and Active Living, 1(1), 17-30. Open access,Link to theme issueResearch brief

PARC Summer Survey*

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PARC School Survey*

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