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Created in 1995, the CHEW is an observational measure of environments in and around worksites that may affect health behaviors. It is based on an ecological perspective that emphasizes effects of physical environments, social environments, and policies. Detailed assessments of factors that can encourage or discourage physical activity and healthful eating behaviors are conducted. Limited assessment of factors that might influence smoking and alcohol use are included in the measure. The CHEW was developed for use in the Australian National Workplace Health Project.

Main Citation:


Oldenburg, B., Sallis, J.F., Harris, D., and Owen, N.  (2002).  Checklist of health promotion environments at worksites (CHEW): Development and measurement characteristics.  American Journal of Health Promotion, 16, 288-299. 

Guidelines for undertaking worksite observations and completing the Checklist of Health Promotion Environments at Worksites (CHEW)

Cover letter introducing CHEW and describing its intended use.

Observational survey of health promotion at worksites, which is completed on-site by research personnel.

Manual for scoring the CHEW survey.

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