Member, Institute of Medicine’s Standing Committee on Childhood Obesity Prevention. August 2012 — July 2015.
Program Committee Member. Southwest AAHPERD 2013 Conference. 2012-2013.
Planning Committee, presenter. Built Environment Assessment Training (BEAT) Institute, 5th annual. Co-sponsored by Harvard School of Public Health. Boston, MA. June 24-29, 2012.
National External Scientific Panel. National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research. 2012-2015. Link
Leadership Team member. Community Transformation Grant from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency. 2012-2015.
Member, Health Disparities Steering Committee, American Psychological Association. 2012-2014.
International Program Committee. 8th International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods. Rome, Italy. May 14-17, 2012.
Reviewer for US Department of Health and Human Services Report: Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Mid-course Report: Strategies to increase physical activity among youth. November 2012.
Reviewer of a conference proposal for the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Indo-US Science & Technology Forum. October 2012.
Reviewer and consultant for Designed to Move. Nike, Inc. Released September 2012.
Reviewer of Rapid Response Grants for the Johns Hopkins Global Center for Childhood Obesity. September 2012.
Reviewer for Institute of Medicine report, Community-Based Prevention: A Framework for Valuing. Commiittee on Valuing Community-Based Non-Clinical Prevention Policies and Wellness Strategies. July 2012.